Alternative Grass: A Greener Choice for the Environment
This project is created in honor of Dad’s birthday and his memory. Switching to alternative grass varieties offers a sustainable solution for eco-friendly landscaping. Unlike traditional turfgrass, which often requires heavy irrigation, chemical fertilizers, and frequent mowing, alternative grasses are typically low-maintenance and drought-resistant. These eco-friendly options help reduce water usage, minimize the need for harmful chemicals, and lower greenhouse gas emissions from lawn equipment. Additionally, they can support local biodiversity by providing habitat and food for pollinators and wildlife. Embracing alternative grasses not only enhances the beauty of your landscape but also contributes to a healthier planet.
“The project is a demonstration garden of turf grass alternatives. Some are ground covers, Dutch white clover, chocolate chip ajuga, creeping thyme, wooly thyme, dwarf mondo grass, no mow fescue. The foundation donated toward the 1-2 foot high native grasses and perennials “lawn” alternative plot. Without this generosity, the plot would have been much sparser.” – Beth Smith